Monday, November 19, 2007

Google Analytics Tracking Module

Google Analytics Tracking Module
Google Analytics Tracking Module is a simple module for Joomla! 1.0.x. and Joomla! 1.5 (legacy mode) used for inserting Google Analytics tracking code to the Joomla site as a module.

This module makes it possible to add the tracking code before the closing body tag in template, which is recommended by Google. Module tracks all pages of Joomla cms including 3rd party components.

Module track also Virtuemart transactions. Supported payment methods are at the moment: Paypal, Cash on delivery, credit card and purchase order.


  • The use of ssl is optional
  • subdomain tracking is optional
  • user tracking with __utmSetVar is optional
  • VirtueMart E-commerce Tracking
  • Setting Joomla! registration as a Google Analytics goal is optional

Free Joomla! templates -
 Estime Templates - Modules for Joomla! CMS
FAQs about Google Analytics Tracking Module
No parameters in the module settings
After installation I only have one big block for setting parameters and not the options, like UA tracking code ets." Please check, that you have write permission to your module.
Why this is module and not bot?
Bots are called within head calls, also bots are usually dependent on Joomla functions. Bots are therefore not downloaded for each page call. You can add module positions inside you templates, wherever you want. This makes it possible to add tracking code to every single page of Joomla, since modules are called from template, and template is downloaded for all the pages, yes, even for 3dp components such as virtuemart, docman, simpleboard etc.

Common problems

You don't have position called debug inside your template.

The recommeded position for tracking module is debug position. This is usually at the end of the template. To check, if you actually have position you are trying to use, go to your admin panel. Select Site » template manager » module positions. If you don't have position called debug, it's ok, just select the position you have, like left or right.

How to be sure, that the module is installed correctly?
  1. After installing and configuring the module, go to your site with your favourite browser.
  2. Choose View » Source (Page source) from your browser.
  3. Check, that you have the following code somewhere inside your html source. If you do, installation was succesful, if you don't, check the common problems list.

I don't have position called debug

It's a recommendation to publish the module before closing body tag, it's not a must! You can publish the module where ever you want to as long as you have that module position inside your template. As a Joomla cms administrator, you probably know, that you can list the module positions inside your template in the backend of Joomla by choosing Site > Preview > Inline with positions. Those are the positions your template holds. You shouldn't publish any modules to other places than the ones, you actually have inside template. All templates doesn't have all the default places, such as top, footer, debug, left, right, user3, user1 etc.

You can add as many positions as you like by yourself with the Joomla backend by choosing Site > template manager > module positions. Type your position name in the list. You add the position to template by choosing site > template manager - site templates: select your template and choose edit html. You can add the positions like 'mynewposition' by adding the following code, where you want the module to appear.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am running joomla 1.5.4 on my site and installed the plugin Analytics tracking module. The Code IS on page webpage but google can't find it to Analyse traffic. Any suggestion what i can try next ?